Sunday, December 21, 2008

Best CD Rate Update - 5.0%

The top rate for CDs this week is 5.00% at Washington Mutual, also known as WaMu, for a 5-year certificate of deposit.

For shorter term, Corus Bank has a 6-month CD with a 3.50% annual percentage rate .

With rates so low, banks will try to sell you their annuity products. Make sure you read our article: Beware of Annuities

The table below shows the best CD rates for other terms.

"Highest CD Rate Survey + Current US Treasury Rates"
Rate (APY)
(Click link for Full Rate Sheets)
Daily Savings
12/21/08 2.43%
Vanguard Prime Money Market Fund
Tax Exempt
12/21/08 1.03%
Vanguard Tax Exempt Money Market Fund
Online Savings 12/21/08 3.00%
High Performance Money Fund @ Wachovia Bank
3-Month Treasury
12/21/08 -0.01%
US Treasury Rates at a glance
6 Months 12/21/08 3.51% & 3.50% @ Corus Bank
6-Month Treasury
US Treasury Rates at a glance
7 Months 12/21/08 2.00%
Wachovia Bank
1 Year
MetLife Bank
1 Year Treasury 12/21/08 0.37%
US Treasury Rates at a glance
18 Months 12/21/08 3.95%
MetLife Bank
2 Years
4.25% MetLife Bank
2 Year Treasury 12/21/08 0.74%
US Treasury Rates at a glance
3 Years 12/21/08 4.35% MetLife Bank
3-Yr Treasury
US Treasury Rates at a glance
4 Years
12/21/08 4.51% Flagstar Bank & 4.35% @ MetLife Bank
5 Years
12/21/08 5.00% Washington Mutual - WaMu
5 Yr Treasury
US Treasury Rates at a glance
7 Years 12/21/08 4.75% Pentagon Federal Credit Union
10 Yr Treasury
12/21/08 2.12%
US Treasury Rates at a glance
10 Years 12/21/08 4.15%
Intervest National Bank
30 Yr Treasury 12/21/08 2.55%
US Treasury Rates at a glance

With rates so low, banks will try to sell you their annuity products. Make sure you read our article: Beware of Annuities

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